SeSaMe Seminar by Dr Chen Bowei
Title: Guaranteed Delivery Systems for Online Advertising
Speaker: Dr Chen Bowei
Date & Time: 25th May 2016 (Wed), 10am - 11am
Venue: Seminar Room 777 (at the entrance), The Hangar (Level 1, iCube Building)
Abstract: Online advertising has become a significant source of revenue for publishers and search engines. One important business model in online advertising is the so-called non-guaranteed delivery (NGD) system, in which advertisers purchase their targeted advertisement (abbreviated ad) inventories like page views or link clicks on the spot market through an auction mechanism. Despite the success of the NGD system, it has several limitations including the uncertainty in the buyer's payment, the volatility in the seller's revenue, and the weak loyalty between buyer and seller. To alleviate these problems, guaranteed delivery (GD) systems have been recently studied in which advertisers are able to secure their targeted future deliveries through standardized or customized contracts. I will talk about several GD systems that we have developed from seller's perspective. The first GD system is an optimal dynamic model that unifies programmatic guarantee and real-time bidding in display advertising. This study solves the problem of algorithmic pricing and allocation of guaranteed contracts. Secondly, we study a multi-keyword multi-click ad option. This work proposes a flexible way of guaranteed deliveries in the sponsored search context. Thirdly, we propose a lattice framework for pricing an ad option with the stochastic volatility underlying model. Fourthly, we discuss an average price ad option for the case when underlying spot market prices are discontinuous.
Bio: Bowei Chen is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of School of Computer Science at University of Lincoln, UK. He received his PhD in Computer Science from University College London and his general area of research is data mining, computational advertising and mathematical finance, with a focus on developing intelligent algorithms and data solutions. His research has been published in KDD, WWW, ADKDD, TIST, and ECRA.