1) Here are the data used in the following paper. Sample images are shown in the figure below.
S. Fan, M. Jiang, B. Koenig, Z. Shen, M. Kankanhali, Q.Zhao. "The Role of Visual Attention in Sentiment Prediction", ACM Multimedia, Mountain View, CA, USA, 2017.
2) Here are the data used in the following paper.
S. Fan, Z. Shen, M. Jiang, B. Koenig, J. Xu, M. Kankanhali, Q.Zhao, "Emotional Attention: A Study of Image Sentiment and Visual Attention ", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018 (Spotlight oral, acceptance rate: 6.6%).
Image Stimuli: 1019 Images (82.3 MB)
Fixation Maps (both continuous and binary): 1019 Images (13.7 MB)
Raw Eye-tracking Data: Matlab MAT (2.3 MB)
Labelled Object Contours and Attributes: Matlab MAT (776 KB)
Image-level Annotation: Matlab MAT (64 KB)
3) Here are the stimuli used in the following paper.
S. Fan, Z. Shen, B. Koenig, T. Ng, M. Kankanhali, When and why static images are more effective than videos. Submitted manuscript.