NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
Project: Dark Market
As businesses increasingly embrace digitalization and data collection, the number of cybersecurity breaches is rising. Cybersecurity risks to the financial system have grown in recent years because, state-sponsored cyberattacks targeting financial institutions are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and destructive. As per the study, the first half of 2020 saw a 238% increases in cyberattacks targeting financial institutions. We have developed a Dark Market platform for researchers to study activist hacking campaigns on financial institutions. We focus on financial institutions because they are the organizations that hacktivists target the most. We look into how to target institutions’ deep web and dark web exposure in terms of different risk categories affected by hacking campaigns, and the interactions of the risk categories during the campaigns.